Liza Horan head shotLiza Horan
Founder & CEO, Mindstream Ventures Ltd.
Host, The Mindstream Podcast


Liza is an award-winning writer and digital strategy leader whose print journalism career switched to digital media in 1995, while at The New York Times Co., as she launched and led to become the No. 1 tennis website globally. Her editorial responsibilities expanded to the business side, and her first start-up was a profitable B2B media platform. Since the age of 14, Liza’s career aspiration has been in holistic health. Her professional experience and personal interest in complementary, alternative and natural health therapies, and spiritual growth disciplines come together in Mindstream. She’s also a member of the steering committee for the newly formed Frontier Journalists’ Network focused on serving journalists who wish to cover topics at the intersection of science and spirituality.
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Institute of Applied Health SciencesUniversity of Aberdeen Scotland logo
University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Liza provides work placements for Master of Science students to contribute to the research and writing of the forthcoming report, “The State of the Mind-Body-Spirit Movement.” The debut report, anticipated for release in 3Q2023, will be the first to define and track the vast, fragmented and growing movement that seeks to help people reduce pain, flourish and transcend. Please contact Liza by 31 March 2023 if:

  • you would like participate in our online survey, as a member of the public or as a professional practitioner
  • your organisation or business has data or insight to share on any aspect of the holistic movement for health and wellbeing


Computing Science & Mathemathics Department
University of Stirling, Scotland

Liza has teamed with Dr. Alexander Brownlee and Dr. Jason Adair, both lecturers and researchers in University of Stirling’s Computing Science & Math Department, to undertake research toward shifting beliefs and behaviours around mind-body-spirit disciplines. The project won grant funding from the Scottish Funding Council and resulted in two proofs-of-concept: One is an interactive educational tool to better understanding complementary and alternative modalities, and the other is an interactive recommendation tool to help decide which practice is best suited to one’s needs and preferences. The data for the project came from many sources, including participation from members of the British Alliance of Healing Associations and the NHS Centre for Integrative Care, which is the UK’s only remaining NHS service offering person-centred holistic healthcare. Liza is currently testing the proofs-of-concept among practitioners and consumers. For more info, please contact Liza.